Wednesday, May 21, 2008

21st Century

I was sitting here reading emails when I stopped and looked at what was around me. The scene just kind of cracked me up. Do you see...there are THREE phones sitting here. At one point I was reading a text message on one and talking at the same time on the other two....and reading blogs on the computer. What has the world come to, huh?! I thought the other random stuff you can see here was a good slice of life too.
If only I had a sound bite to show you the screaming child in the back ground. For some reason Jake is running from one end of the house to the other screaming as loud as he can. And yet I just continue to type.


Melissa said...

THat is just too funny....! I love it. :) I should send you lots of text messages now...

nicole said...

isn't it funny how easily you can tune that out...or at least tolerate it??